Grow at Home

January 5

BIG IDEA: I believe God gives me purpose.

BIBLE: John Prepares the Way: Mark 1:1–8; Ephesians 1:3–14


  • What did John the Baptist preach about? Baptism of repentance and the forgiveness of sins.
  • How is John the Baptist described? Why do you think the Bible tells us what he looked like? John wore camel hair and a leather belt and ate locusts and wild honey. His unusual choice of clothes and food shows us that God gives purpose to everyone, no matter what the rest of the world might think of them.
  • John baptized with water, but what will Jesus baptize with? The Holy Spirit.
  • Read Ephesians 1:11–12. How do you think this relates to God’s purpose for you?
  • What might be included in God’s purpose for you?
  • Do you think God gives everyone the same purpose?
  • What is something you can do for the purpose of leading others to Jesus? 

“We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”—John 6:69 (NIV)


Bible Story | Preschool | Elementary

January 12

BIG IDEA: I believe God can speak to me.

BIBLE: The Baptism Of Jesus: Luke 3:2–3, 21–22; Psalm 29:3–9


  • Where was John when God spoke to him? In the wilderness
  • After he received his call from God, what did John do next? John went into all the country, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
  • What did the voice of God say to Jesus after he was baptized? “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
  • Read Psalm 29:3–9. What are some words the psalmist uses to describe the voice of God? “Thunders over mighty waters,” “powerful,” “majestic,” “breaks cedars,” “strikes with lightning,” “shakes the desert,” “twists the oaks,” and “strips the forests bare”.
  • What are some ways we can hear God’s voice today?
  • How can you be sure God speaks to you?
  • What might God be saying to you? 


“We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”—John 6:69 (NIV)


Bible Story | Preschool | Elementary

January 19

BIG IDEA: I believe God is powerful.

BIBLE: Jesus In The Wilderness: Matthew 4:1–11; Psalm 36:5–10


  • What did the devil use to tempt Jesus first? What did Jesus say? Jesus was hungry, so the devil tempted Jesus to turn the stones into bread. Jesus said, Scripture says that we don’t just live on food but on God’s words.
  • How was Jesus tempted a second time? What did Jesus say? The devil tempted Jesus to jump from the temple and see if God would save him. Jesus quoted Scripture: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”
  • What was the last thing Jesus was tempted to do? What did Jesus say? Bow down and worship the devil. Jesus quoted Scripture again: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”
  • Read Psalm 36:7–8. How do you think this relates to the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness? Even though Jesus was in the wilderness, he took refuge in God, and even though Jesus was hungry and thirsty, he trusted and obeyed God.
  • What are some stories from the Bible that remind you of God’s power?
  • When is a time when you have felt powerless?
  • What are some temptations kids like you might face today? How can you trust God’s power to overcome them? 

“We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”—John 6:69 (NIV)


Bible Story | Preschool | Elementary

January 26

BIG IDEA: I believe God’s words are true.

BIBLE: Jesus Rejected At Nazareth: Luke 4:14–30; Psalm 19:7–14


  • What did the passage that Jesus read at the synagogue say? In short, that the promised savior has come and that savior was Jesus.
  • How did the people react at first? They spoke well of Jesus and were amazed at his words.
  • Why do you think people got so upset later? Jesus said words that they didn’t want to hear. Jesus wasn’t fulfilling Scripture the way they thought he would. They didn’t believe someone from their hometown could be the savior.
  • Reread Psalm 19:8. How might God’s true words give “joy to the heart” and “light to the eyes?” What do you think this means?
  • How would you describe God’s words to someone who’s never heard them?
  • What is a promise from God that you know is true?
  • What can you do to learn more of God’s words? 

“We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”—John 6:69 (NIV)


Bible Story | Preschool | Elementary